200+ Cool and Unique Ukrainian Nicknames-AestheticNames

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  • Reading time:32 mins read

Are you looking for cool Ukrainian Nicknames? If so, you are at the right destination. We’ve gathered a few of the best Ukrainian Nicknames.

Ukrainian nicknames, like nicknames in any language, can be endearing and often reflect a person’s personality, and interests.

These cute names are like little expressions of closeness and warmth. It’s a delightful way Ukrainians express love and familiarity, adding a personal touch to their relationships.

Here are some common Ukrainian nicknames and their English equivalents

Ukrainian Nicknames for boys

  • Oleh (o-leh) – Blessed
  • Mykola (my-ko-la) – Victory
  • Andriy (an-dree) – Warrior
  • Volodymyr (vo-lo-dy-myr) – Peaceful
  • Bohdan (bo-dan) – Gifted
  • Ivan (i-van) – Gracious
  • Oleksandr (o-lek-san-der) – Defender
  • Serhiy (ser-hiy) – Servant
  • Yaroslav (ya-ro-slav) – Fierce
  • Dmytro (dmy-tro) – Earth-lover
  • Taras (ta-ras) – Brave
  • Roman (ro-man) – Citizen
  • Anatoliy (a-na-to-liy) – Sunrise
  • Yevhen (ye-vhen) – Noble
  • Pavlo (pav-lo) – Humble
  • Mykhailo (my-khai-lo) – Like God
  • Yuriy (yu-riy) – Farmer
  • Ruslan (rus-lan) – Brave Lion
  • Olexiy (o-lek-siy) – Helper
  • Borys (bo-ris) – Fighter
  • Yaromir (ya-ro-mir) – Fierce Peace
  • Andriyko (an-dree-ko) – Little Andrew
  • Orest (o-rest) – Mountain Dweller
  • Yosyp (yo-syp) – He Will Add
  • Zenon (ze-non) – Hospitable
  • Ihor (i-hor) – Hero
  • Sviatoslav (svia-to-slav) – Holy Glory
  • Ostap (os-tap) – Stable
  • Maksym (mak-sym) – Greatest
  • Nazar (na-zar) – Guardian
  • Kyrylo (ky-ry-lo) – Lordly
  • Olexander (o-lek-san-der) – Defender of the People
  • Rostyslav (ros-ty-slav) – Glorious Growth
  • Vasyl (va-syl) – Kingly
  • Yevheniy (ye-vhen-iy) – Noble
  • Ivanenko (i-van-en-ko) – Little Ivan
  • Danylo (dan-ylo) – God is My Judge
  • Kostiantyn (kos-tyan-tyn) – Steadfast
  • Ostapko (os-tap-ko) – Little Ostap
  • Myroslav (my-ro-slav) – Peaceful Glory
  • Yaroslaw (ya-ro-slaw) – Fierce Glory
  • Bohdanko (bo-dan-ko) – Little Bohdan
  • Omelian (o-mel-yan) – Industrious

Ukrainian Nicknames for Girls

  • Anya (Ahn-ya) – Grace
  • Oksana (Ok-sah-na) – Praise be to God
  • Katya (Ka-tya) – Pure
  • Nadia (Na-di-ya) – Hope
  • Iryna (I-ri-na) – Peace
  • Liliya (Li-li-ya) – Lily
  • Olena (O-le-na) – Torch, light
  • Marta (Mar-ta) – Lady, mistress
  • Zoya (Zo-ya) – Life
  • Natalka (Na-tal-ka) – Born on Christmas Day
  • Halyna (Ha-lyn-a) – Calm
  • Yuliya (Yu-li-ya) – Youthful
  • Mariya (Ma-ri-ya) – Beloved
  • Solomiya (So-lo-mi-ya) – Peace
  • Daryna (Da-ryn-a) – Gift
  • Orysya (O-rys-ya) – Divine strength
  • Zarina (Za-ri-na) – Princess
  • Ivanna (I-van-na) – God is gracious
  • Bohdana (Bo-dha-na) – Gift of God
  • Tetiana (Te-ti-a-na) – Fairy queen
  • Zlata (Zla-ta) – Golden
  • Malanka (Ma-lan-ka) – Light
  • Vira (Vi-ra) – Faith
  • Roksolana (Rok-so-la-na) – Dawn
  • Larysa (La-ry-sa) – Cheerful
  • Ostapivna (Os-ta-piv-na) – Daughter of Ostap
  • Yaroslava (Ya-ro-sla-va) – Fierce glory
  • Viktoria (Vik-to-ri-ya) – Victory
  • Lyuba (Lyu-ba) – Love
  • Hanna (Han-na) – Grace
  • Khrystyna (Khrysty-na) – Christian woman
  • Fedora (Fe-do-ra) – Gift of God
  • Nina (Ni-na) – Dreamer
  • Zemfira (Zem-fi-ra) – Earthly one
  • Vasylina (Va-sy-li-na) – Queenly
  • Izabella (I-za-bel-la) – Devoted to God
  • Oksyuta (Ok-syu-ta) – Hospitable
  • Yevdokiya (Yev-do-ki-ya) – Good reputation
  • Mstyslava (Mstys-la-va) – Revenge glory
  • Marusya (Ma-ru-sya) – Bitter or sea of bitterness
  • Ruslana (Rus-la-na) – Lioness
  • Taisiya (Tai-si-ya) – Resurrection
  • Milana (Mi-la-na) – Gracious
  • Nataliya (Na-ta-li-ya) – Christmas Day
  • Karina (Ka-ri-na) – Dear little one
  • Izolda (I-zol-da) – Ice ruler
  • Kseniya (Kse-ni-ya) – Hospitable
  • Vitalina (Vi-ta-li-na) – Full of life
  • Olha (Ol-ha) – Holy
  • Zoryana (Zo-rya-na) – Morning star
  • Marina (Ma-ri-na) – From the sea
  • Adriana (A-dri-a-na) – Dark
  • Katerina (Ka-te-ri-na) – Pure
  • Nastia (Na-sti-ya) – Resurrection
  • Raya (Ra-ya) – Paradise
  • Slava (Sla-va) – Glory
  • Tetyana (Te-tya-na) – Fairy queen
  • Inna (In-na) – Strong water
  • Diana (Di-a-na) – Divine
  • Miroslava (Mi-ro-sla-va) – Peace and glory
  • Vera (Ve-ra) – Faith
  • Yeva (Ye-va) – Life
  • Olesia (O-le-si-a) – Freedom
  • Valentyna (Va-len-ty-na) – Brave, strong
  • Yarina (Ya-ri-na) – Spring
  • Lubov (Lu-bov) – Love
  • Orysia (O-rys-ya) – Divine strength
  • Vlada (Vla-da) – Ruler, queen
  • Tania (Ta-ni-a) – Fairy queen
  • Ivanka (I-van-ka) – God is gracious

Ukrainian Nicknames for Kids

  • Malyshko (Mah-lyu-shko): Little one
  • Solnyshko (Sol-nysh-ko): Little sun
  • Khrustyk (Kh-roo-styk): Crunchy (for an energetic kid)
  • Lysenko (Ly-sehn-ko): Little fox
  • Pampushko (Pam-poo-shko): Little dumpling
  • Zirka (Zir-ka): Little star
  • Smileyko (Smay-lyi-ko): Little smiley
  • Mriyko (Mrii-yko): Little dreamer
  • Kvitochko (Kvi-toch-ko): Little flower
  • Medovyk (Meh-do-vyk): Little honey
  • Ribonka (Ri-bon-ka): Little fish
  • Bambusyk (Bam-boo-syk): Little bamboo
  • Hasko (Has-ko): Little goose
  • Zaychik (Zai-chik): Little bunny
  • Perlynka (Per-lyn-ka): Little pearl
  • Veselko (Ve-sel-ko): Little joy
  • Makovyi (Ma-ko-vyi): Poppyseed (for a cheerful child)
  • Dzherelko (Dzhe-rel-ko): Little spring
  • Rybka (Ryb-ka): Little fish
  • Sonechko (So-nehch-ko): Little sun
  • Khrustchyk (Khroo-stchyk): Little crispy
  • Karamelka (Ka-ra-mel-ka): Little caramel
  • Levko (Lev-ko): Little lion
  • Strumochok (Stru-mo-chok): Little stream
  • Zhuravlyk (Zhur-av-lyk): Little crane
  • Kozachok (Ko-za-chok): Little Cossack
  • Sribnyk (Srib-nyk): Little silver
  • Vesnyanka (Ves-nyan-ka): Little spring
  • Hrybok (Hry-bok): Little mushroom
  • Smachok (Sma-chok): Little tasty
  • Lastivka (Las-tiv-ka): Little swallow
  • Radist (Ra-dist): Little joy
  • Zhuk (Zhuk): Little beetle
  • Zirnyk (Zir-nik): Little grain
  • Vovchik (Vov-chik): Little wolf
  • Kolosok (Ko-lo-sok): Little ear of wheat
  • Barvinok (Bar-vi-nok): Little periwinkle
  • Dzvinchyk (Dzvin-chyk): Little bell
  • Motrychok (Mo-tri-chok): Little fidget
  • Blyskavka (Bly-ska-vka): Little lightning
  • Rozumko (Ro-zum-ko): Little clever one
  • Voronok (Vo-ro-nok): Little raven
  • Lisky (Li-sky): Little squirrel
  • Bezruchko (Bez-ruch-ko): Little clumsy (for a cute and clumsy child)
  • Kraplynka (Krap-lyn-ka): Little droplet
  • Zoryana (Zo-rya-na): Little star
  • Maslinka (Mas-lin-ka): Little olive
  • Sladkyk (Sla-dkyk): Little sweet
  • Povitryk (Po-vit-ryuk): Little breeze
  • Lyubchyk (Lyub-chyk): Little darling
  • Malyshko (Mah-lyu-shko): Little one
  • Solnyshko (Sol-nysh-ko): Little sun
  • Khrustyk (Kh-roo-styk): Crunchy (for an energetic kid)
  • Lysenko (Ly-sehn-ko): Little fox
  • Pampushko (Pam-poo-shko): Little dumpling
  • Zirka (Zir-ka): Little star
  • Smileyko (Smay-lyi-ko): Little smiley
  • Mriyko (Mrii-yko): Little dreamer
  • Kvitochko (Kvi-toch-ko): Little flower
  • Medovyk (Meh-do-vyk): Little honey
  • Ribonka (Ri-bon-ka): Little fish
  • Bambusyk (Bam-boo-syk): Little bamboo
  • Hasko (Has-ko): Little goose
  • Zaychik (Zai-chik): Little bunny
  • Perlynka (Per-lyn-ka): Little pearl
  • Veselko (Ve-sel-ko): Little joy
  • Makovyi (Ma-ko-vyi): Poppyseed (for a cheerful child)
  • Dzherelko (Dzhe-rel-ko): Little spring
  • Rybka (Ryb-ka): Little fish
  • Sonechko (So-nehch-ko): Little sun
  • Khrustchyk (Khroo-stchyk): Little crispy
  • Karamelka (Ka-ra-mel-ka): Little caramel
  • Levko (Lev-ko): Little lion
  • Strumochok (Stru-mo-chok): Little stream
  • Zhuravlyk (Zhur-av-lyk): Little crane
  • Kozachok (Ko-za-chok): Little Cossack
  • Sribnyk (Srib-nyk): Little silver
  • Vesnyanka (Ves-nyan-ka): Little spring
  • Hrybok (Hry-bok): Little mushroom
  • Smachok (Sma-chok): Little tasty
  • Lastivka (Las-tiv-ka): Little swallow
  • Radist (Ra-dist): Little joy
  • Zhuk (Zhuk): Little beetle
  • Zirnyk (Zir-nik): Little grain
  • Vovchik (Vov-chik): Little wolf
  • Kolosok (Ko-lo-sok): Little ear of wheat
  • Barvinok (Bar-vi-nok): Little periwinkle
  • Dzvinchyk (Dzvin-chyk): Little bell
  • Motrychok (Mo-tri-chok): Little fidget
  • Blyskavka (Bly-ska-vka): Little lightning
  • Rozumko (Ro-zum-ko): Little clever one
  • Voronok (Vo-ro-nok): Little raven
  • Lisky (Li-sky): Little squirrel
  • Bezruchko (Bez-ruch-ko): Little clumsy (for a cute and clumsy child)
  • Kraplynka (Krap-lyn-ka): Little droplet
  • Zoryana (Zo-rya-na): Little star
  • Maslinka (Mas-lin-ka): Little olive
  • Sladkyk (Sla-dkyk): Little sweet
  • Povitryk (Po-vit-ryuk): Little breeze
  • Lyubchyk (Lyub-chyk): Little darling

Ukrainian Nicknames for Girlfriend

  • Lyuba (lyoo-bah): Love
  • Sonechko (so-nech-koh): Sunshine
  • Mila (mee-lah): Dear
  • Zirochka (zee-roch-kah): Star
  • Kokhana (koh-khah-nah): Beloved
  • Solodenka (soh-loh-den-kah): Sweetie
  • Mriynitsya (mree-yneet-syah): Dreamy
  • Kvitochka (kvee-toch-kah): Flower
  • Serdentsko (ser-dent-skoh): Heart
  • Rybka (rib-kah): Little Fish
  • Zozulenka (zoh-zoo-len-kah): Cuckoo
  • Anhelochok (an-heh-loh-chok): Little Angel
  • Charivnytsya (cha-reev-nit-syah): Enchantress
  • Karamelka (ka-ra-mel-kah): Caramel
  • Zolotse (zo-lot-seh): Little Gold
  • Lastivochka (las-tee-votch-kah): Swallow
  • Smishynka (smeesh-ink-ah): Giggle
  • Ptashka (ptahsh-kah): Little Bird
  • Mahiya (mah-hee-yah): Magic
  • Iskrystets (is-krist-ets): Twinkle
  • Medovychok (meh-do-vyh-chok): Honey
  • Melodiya (meh-lo-dee-yah): Melody
  • Smailyk (smy-lik): Smiley
  • Horishok (hoh-rish-ok): Little Nut
  • Zamriyana (zam-ree-yah-nah): Dreamy
  • Metelyk (meh-teh-lik): Snowflake
  • Pushynka (poo-shink-ah): Fluff
  • Solodka (soh-lod-kah): Sweetie
  • Mandrivnytsya (man-driv-nit-syah): Adventurer
  • Teplin (teh-pleen): Warm
  • Kazkova (kaz-koh-vah): Fairy Tale
  • Veselyk (ve-seh-lik): Cheerful
  • Koketka (koh-ket-kah): Flirt
  • Radiist (ra-deest): Joy
  • Tsilyushcha (tsi-lyush-chah): Healing
  • Solonyanka (soh-lon-yahn-kah): Little Salt
  • Svichka (sveech-kah): Candle
  • Nizhnist (neezh-nist): Tender
  • Kazka (kaz-kah): Fairy Tale
  • Kosychka (koh-sich-kah): Little Braid
  • Vesnyanka (ves-nyahn-kah): Spring-like
  • Printsesa (prin-tseh-sah): Princess
  • Lastivka (las-teev-kah): Swallow
  • Zoryana (zohr-yah-nah): Star
  • Povitrya (po-veet-ryah): Air
  • Veselunchyk (ve-seh-loon-chik): Little Joker
  • Harmoniya (har-mo-nee-yah): Harmony
  • Yaskrava (yas-krah-vah): Bright
  • Malyunok (ma-lyoo-nok): Little Drawing
  • Zhemchuzhyna (zhem-choozh-nah): Pearl
  • Pelyustka (pel-yoost-kah): Petal
  • Sontselyubka (son-tse-lyoob-kah): Sun Lover
  • Veselka (ve-sel-kah): Rainbow
  • Sertsevynka (sertsev-ink-ah): Little Heart
  • Krylasta (kri-las-tah): Winged
  • Zirochka na nebi (zee-roch-kah nah ne-bee): Star in the Sky
  • Melodiyka (me-lo-dee-kah): Melody
  • Harna (har-nah): Beautiful
  • Teplokhodzhennya (tep-lo-khod-zhen-ya): Warmth Flow
  • Slidkuvachka (slid-koo-vach-kah): Cherish
  • Litachok (lee-ta-chok): Little Flyer
  • Kryhitka (kri-hit-kah): Hidden Treasure
  • Vohnyk (voh-nik): Flame
  • Lahidna (la-kheed-nah): Gentle
  • Tsvetochok (tsvet-o-chok): Flower
  • Veselist (ve-seh-list): Cheerful
  • Solodunya (soh-lo-doon-yah): Sweetness
  • Divovizhna (di-vo-vizh-nah): Amazing
  • Polyubov (po-lyu-bov): Kiss
  • Nizhynka (neezh-ink-ah): Tender

Ukrainian Nicknames for Boyfriend

  • Kochanie (koh-hah-nye): Darling
  • Lyubov (lyoo-bohv): Love
  • Sontse (son-tse): Sun
  • Zaychik (zahy-chik): Bunny
  • Sladkiy (slad-kee): Sweetie
  • Milyi (mee-lyi): Dear
  • Zirka (zeer-kah): Star
  • Solnyshko (sol-nish-koh): Sunshine
  • Kvitochku (kvee-toch-koo): Little Flower
  • Ptashka (ptahsh-kah): Little Bird
  • Serdolik (ser-do-lik): Carnelian (a gemstone)
  • Medovyi (meh-do-vyi): Honeyed
  • Yasnyi (yas-niy): Clear/Bright
  • Nezhnyi (nehzh-niy): Tender
  • Radist (ra-deest): Joy
  • Charivnyi (cha-reev-niy): Enchanting
  • Malyi lis (ma-lyi lees): Little Fox
  • Tiutiunnyk (tyu-tyu-nyuk): Cutie
  • Zolotse (zo-lot-se): Little Gold
  • Slov’yanyn (sloh-vyah-nin): Slavic Man
  • Ochi kotseniatka (o-chi kot-se-nya-tka): Kitten Eyes
  • Smaragdovyi (sma-ra-hdo-vyi): Emerald
  • Dzherelko (dzhe-rel-ko): Little Spring
  • Mriyni ochi (mree-ni o-chi): Dreamy Eyes
  • Povernennia (po-ver-nen-nya): Return
  • Cholovik mriyi (cho-lo-vik mree-yi): Man of Dreams
  • Dobroho ranku (do-bro-ho ran-koo): Good Morning
  • Zamisnik (za-mis-nik): Dreamer
  • Milyi son (mee-lyi son): Sweet Dream
  • Sertse kohanoho (sert-se ko-ha-no-ho): Lover’s Heart
  • Garnyi (gar-niy): Handsome
  • Tiulpan (tyool-pan): Tulip
  • Sonets (soh-nets): Sonnet
  • Malyi prinz (ma-lyi prinz): Little Prince
  • Berehynia (be-re-hy-nya): Guardian Spirit
  • Rai na zemli (rai na zem-li): Heaven on Earth
  • Sladkiy son (slad-kee son): Sweet Dream
  • Zirka v ochakh (zeer-ka v o-chakh): Star in the Eyes
  • Milyi zvychay (mee-lyi zvych-ai): Dear Habit
  • Zhyvopys (zhiv-o-pys): Masterpiece
  • Veselyi vechir (ve-se-li ve-chir): Joyful Evening
  • Kochar (ko-char): Tender One
  • Zorepad (zo-re-pad): Morning Star
  • Zamislennist (za-mis-len-nist): Thoughtfulness
  • Spokoinyi (spo-koi-niy): Calm
  • Chervonyi kvit (cher-vo-niy kveet): Red Flower
  • Druzhby fontan (druzh-by fon-tan): Fountain of Friendship
  • Kazkovyi prinits (kaz-ko-vyi prin-its): Fairy Tale Prince
  • Teplyi viter (tep-lyi ve-ter): Warm Wind
  • Ptasheniatko (ptah-she-nya-tko): Little Birdie
  • Zaichonok v travi (zai-chon-ok v tra-vi): Bunny in the Grass
  • Kazkova lyubov (kaz-ko-va lyu-bov): Fairy Tale Love
  • Zimova zirka (zi-mo-va zeer-ka): Winter Star
  • Malyi talisman (ma-lyi tal-is-man): Little Talisman
  • Oblachko (ob-la-chko): Little Cloud
  • Liubovnyk (lyu-bov-nik): Lover
  • Sonechko v dusi (son-etsh-ko v du-si): Sunshine in the Soul
  • Iasnyi spromin (yas-niy spro-min): Bright Memory
  • Burshtynovyi (burshty-no-vyi): Amber
  • Nezhnyi dotyk (nehzh-niy do-tyk): Tender Touch
  • Malyi svit (ma-lyi svit): Little World
  • Raduysia (ra-doo-i-sya): Rejoice
  • Ochumelok (o-choo-me-lok): Dear One
  • Veselkovyi den (ve-sel-ko-vyi den): Joyful Day
  • Kvitucha (kvee-too-cha): Little Flower
  • Malyi hravyi (ma-lyi hra-vyi): Playful Little One
  • Zirka serdtse (zeer-ka sert-tse): Star of the Heart
  • Berehynia serdtse (be-re-hy-nya sert-tse): Guardian Spirit of the Heart
  • Slodkii son (slod-kiy son): Sweet Dream
  • Zirochka v nebi (zeer-och-ka v ne-bi): Star in the Sky
ukrainian nicknames

How to choose a Nickname?

To choose a nickname, think about your partner’s qualities, shared interests, and cultural meanings.

Use affectionate words, inquire about preferences, and ensure it’s easy to pronounce. Add a playful touch and avoid anything negative.

The aim is to establish a unique, positive connection between the two of you.

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